新しい1年の始まりを記念した、大変お買い得な「2024 Special Happy Pack」を、2023年12月1日(金)12時より通信販売にていち早くお取り扱いを開始することになりました♪

2024 BABY/PIRATESオリジナルプリントお洋服入りSpecial HAPPY PACK
- 税込価格¥30,800(本体価格¥28,000)
- 内容:BABYまたはPIRATESのオリジナルプリントのお洋服を含む、お洋服や小物等3点以上が入ったバラエティセット
Thank you for always supporting BABY, THE STARS SHINE BRIGHT and ALICE and the PIRATES.
Commemorating the beginning of new year, we prepare the 「2024 Special Happy Pack」. The reservation start at 12:00 on December 1st(Fri.) at BABY online store♪
◎Reservation period:12:00 on December 1st(Fri.)~12:00 on December 4th(Mon.)
◎Payment deadline for bank transfer:within 1 week from the date of order
※Bank transfer is only for the order which the shipping address is in Japan.
※Please noted that if payment cannot be confirmed after the deadline, the reservation will be automatically cancelled.
※For the payment by credit card/PAYPAL, the payment will be completed immediately and your reservation will be confirmed.
◎Delivery period:The beginning of 2024
※Designated date delivery is UNACCEPTABLE.
※Delivery date may vary slightly depending on the region due to congestion during the year-end and New Year holidays and delivery carrier circumstances.

2024 BABY/PIRATES Special HAPPY PACK with original print clothes
- Price: 30,800 yen (incl. tax)
- Contents:3 or more items including BABY or PIRATES original print clothing items or small accessories.
【Attentions for reservation】
・Orders are limited to 3 sets per person.
・First come – first served basis.
・Regardless of the period, reservation acceptance will end once the item is sold out.
・Please noted that this pack is NOT a coordinate set.
・Contents of the pack are random and cannot be chosen.
・Multiple items will be shipped in BABY/PIRATES original non-woven fabric bag.
・Please noted that delivery will be in the beginning of 2024, and designated date delivery is UNACCEPTABLE.
We look forward to your order!